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Fast Charger Installation | Walthamstow

With support from Liberty Global’s Virgin Media Park and Charge project, Waltham Forest Council have successfully completed the installation of EV Charging facilities within a residential area of Walthamstow.

Provided to meet growing demand for charging points, reduce transport related emissions and to aid in fulfilling the Government target of cutting 68% of UK green house gas emissions, by 2030.

Upon meeting with the team at NAL, Waltham Forest Council opted to install NAL Retention Sockets, with a Duckfoot Bend base, to assist with the installation of fast dual-socket EV charging points. To protect the EV charger unit from potential vehicular collisions, Gorge bollards from NAL’s X-Last Standard range, were selected and installed within Non-illuminated Retention Sockets.

The client’s decision to utilise NAL Retention Sockets, has guaranteed numerous benefits. Not only does it simplify the installation process in comparison to historical methods, it allows in this instance, EV charging units or X-Last bollards to be demounted quickly and with ease. Whether it be for maintenance purposes or replacement and upgrading for alternative charge point operatives, this innovative system ensures no further civils work is required, minimising costs, time on site and disruption to the public.

In selecting X-Last bollards (the strongest yet most flexible bollards available) Waltham Forest Council have significantly reduced any future maintenance requirements and cost implications. As bollards are manufactured to withstand the most severe impact and rebound to their original position within 30 minutes, it makes them virtually indestructible. Unlike traditional steel bollards which require civils work when knocked down, the X-Last will withstand repeated impacts, without functionality compromised.



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