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New Grand Paris Light Rail Maintenance and Storage Facility Redevelopment

Case Study Details




Massy-Palaiseau, France





Case Study

The former power supply site for the Sceaux rail line at Massy-Palaiseau in France is currently undergoing a multi-million-pound redevelopment and construction of a new maintenance workshop for the service trains needed to maintain the SNCF rail network. The new railway hub has been under construction since the end of 2017 and will be completed by 2023. The state of the art facilities will increase maintenance capacity and storage for 10 sidings with further works to accommodate, the tram 12 express line and Grand Paris Express, increasing reliability and availability of trains to the network.

Cubis’ cable protection system MULTIduct™ was specified due to the congested utilities currently on site with extremely limited space for the installation of new ducting. MULTIduct™ provided the ideal solution with its secure, lightweight, easy to handle units that combine multiple ducts into one. This resulted in a reduced excavation with narrow and shallower trenches, without the need for extra back fill between ducts reducing costs and installation time significantly.

Cubis’ 4WAY and 6WAY MULTIduct™ units were also installed in a multi-bank formation to increase duct capacity in the limited space. The MULTIduct™ units narrower profile, resulted in 20 ducts in a confined space of just over (w) 500mm (h) 650mm, which could not be achievable with traditional ducting systems.

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